Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Public or Home Preschool?

Lil is turning 4 next week.  She's a fun loving girl, but can be very stubborn.  We have free preschool offered at our school district and I'm trying to decide if we should send her to preschool or homeschool her with the rest of the kids.


  1. The preschools here are great.  The teachers are wonderful.  The programs is well done.
  2. I have a lot of kids and I'm afraid Lil might be lost in the cracks if we homeschool preschool her.  She's one who likes to get forgotten so she can do her own thing.  That works well for her in our family, because there's always another child for me to pay attention to.
  3. We had Lil assessed last year.  I don't know if there's anything wrong with her, but she seems a little ADD.  If we sent her to preschool the teachers there would be able to tell if she needs help.


  1. I would really really miss her.  The other kids would grow apart from her.
  2. She would be associating with children that I'm not comfortable with her associating with.  She would learn bad habits and bring them home to our family.
  3. We would have to walk her there and pick her up every day, even in the snow.
  4. Lil would miss out on our homeschool fun.
  5. We would be limited in what we could do for homeschool because our schedule would revolve around her schedule.
Not listed on either of these is the fact that my family and some of my friends are for me putting Lil in the preschool.  That does effect my decision, because sometimes I get too close to the situtation, and I value the input of family and friends to help me keep things in perspective.

1 comment:

  1. I am curious what you decided.... We had a similar decision with Sabine - homeschool for Kindergarten or send her to school. The older two got to do regular Kindergarten. I had a lot of the same pros and cons on my list as well. In the end we opted to homeschool her - the cons, especially the schedule/time factor - was just too big for me. Besides, I love having my children home!
