Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Singing Time

I love primary songs.  I love that they so simply teach good values and the gospel.  They also calm my spirit when I feel like breaking something.  My daughter is now passing off the articles of faith in primary.  We started singing the article of faith songs, adding a new one each day.  We have a CD with all the primary songs for this year on it, along with all the articles of faith.  I figured since we're learning the article of faith songs we might as well sing the primary song for this month as a review.  One thing led to another and I started teaching the kids the song for next month.  We worked together and made up actions for the song to help them remember the words.  It was fun work.  We all learned the song before the music director started teaching the song on Sunday.

Sunday comes.  My husband and I are now teaching the CTR 4 class in primary.  We sit right behind the Sunbeams.  As we started learning the new song for the month my 5 year old son raises his hand and tells the whole primary, "We've already learned this song.  My mom taught it to us so we could help the kids around us in primary."

I wanted to sink into the floor.  I tried hiding behind the Sunbeams, but they weren't big enough.

Lesson learned.  Don't say anything to your children that you don't want repeated in a very public place.

The primary director told me that my older daughter told the senior primary the exact same thing that day.

I love my kids.  I think I'll keep my mouth shut for a while now.

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