Wednesday, February 16, 2011

No Magic! (They come that way.)

I could spend the next few minutes patting myself on the back, but what's the use, I know I would be lying through my teeth.  The reason for the celebrations or lack thereof is that my 2 year old is potty trained! AND she potty trained in 4 days....completely....even sleeps in underwear.

When younger parents ask me for potty training advice I always say my first advice is to wait until they are three.  They will not be ready until they are three.  Well, I didn't take my own advice because Sanoma was begging to be potty trained.  We kept ignoring her and ignoring her pleas, and finally we gave in.  I think she had 2 or 3 accidents and then she got it.  She was potty trained.  Amazing.  I'd like to say that I did it, but I didn't.  She did it herself.  She was ready, she figured it out herself.

I wish all my kids had been that easy, but they weren't.  My previous daughter took 1 year to potty train.  We would go for it, all the way, 100% and after a week of cleaning up accident after accident after accident I was going crazy and had to quit.  A few months later we would try again, then quit.  I think we started over with her about 4 times.  I was ready to pull my hair out, try something desperate.  We just had to keep trying and keep trying.

What have I learned from this?  Two things.  Each child is different...and no one will every want to buy our house.


  1. I am completely jealous, and am waiting till Raina is 3. She is simply NOT willing, though otherwise completely ready. It's so infuriating.

  2. I wish they were all that easy!
