Friday, April 23, 2010

Getting Ready for Next Year

Yes, I'm already starting to think about next year.  The reason being, that I'm starting the new year with a whole new schedule, thanks to one of my favorite blogs, Latter-Day Homeschooling.  One of the authors on there, who also writes another one of my favorite blogs, Chocolate on my Cranium, explained what her schedule for the year was, and I liked it so much that I'm going to try it this coming year.  

So, the plan is that we will do school for 3 months and then take off one month.  During the middle of the three months, we will take off a week.  Or if it's more convenient, we'll take the week off at another time.  Yes, yes, I know you're probably thinking the same thing I did when I first heard this idea.  There's no way you can take three months off and get in the required amount of time.  The requirement is 180 days.  And yes you can!  I mapped it out on my calendar for next year and the plan is set.  We're taking ALL of December, April and August off.  I'm so excited to be able to take these breaks and actually get in some rest and relaxation (CLEANING) that I will need.

That is why I'm getting ready for the next year so early, because we're starting July 1st.

Today I ordered most of my workbooks, textbooks, etc. online.  It's a little financially painful, but I'll be very happy when the new books start arriving on our doorstep.  I need to clear a spot on my desk for packages.  I'm excited!  

This coming year promises to be a fun one.  We're learning about the renaissance, chemistry, N and I will be starting Latin.  We're very excited to see what will happen with the new schedule.  Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Please let me know how the new schedule works. I tried something similar and it didn't work for me - I had a hard time starting back up after we took our break.
    Now, I do something similar, but never truly take a break - I just change the intensity of school or the focus of school. So.... December is all about Christmas. No formal classes, just doing Christmas type stuff.
    In the summer, as I finsish off a subject I add in fun stuff like cooking. In fact, in the summer I consider swimming every day to be a must for school!
